The Active Dad

Fitness Tips

Curtis Walls

CJ & Zora's Dad

SPORTS PERFORMANCE COACH | NASCAR Pitcrew Coach | NASCAR Driver Sports Performance Trainer

With Gym closures nationwide, Dad's are being being forced to adjust to the new normal thanks to Covid-19.  Curtis Walls is here to provide us with some helpful tips on how we can manage to create better fitness habits or maintain our current habits.

Staying Fit Tips

“Meet your body where it is”

- Don’t do too much too early. Find a pace, routine or activity that’s easy and enjoyable to get started and remain consistent.

“Something is better than nothing”

- On the days you get busy or simply don’t feel like getting out, identify simple/easy exercises, workouts, movement, meals or stretches you can do.

“Pace yourself THEN go hard”

- Don’t burn out too quickly trying to go too hard too early. Don’t hurt yourself bc you didn’t realize getting/staying fit is a process. When we pace ourselves, we prevent injury. Set the bar appropriately so you can make it up and out the next day.

“Find a realistic recurring schedule to put in your phone or planner”

- Again, don’t go too hard too early. Maybe 1-2 days per week is best starting out. Then transition to 3-4 days per week months later.

“GAINS come from consistency, thus the target is your lifestyle”

- Everything is relevant. As you age your sleep, fitness routine, self care practices and diet should be regimented.

“Accountability With Grace”

- Stay committed but know it’s normal to have a lazy day or fall short of your goals. The key is to keep going and to learn where to pivot your approach. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t quit!

“Identify an ACCOUNTABILITY partner”

 - Find that person who will show up even when you “hoped” they forgot. Some days you will be ready to go. Some days you will have to drag them out of the bed. Set a schedule and hold each other to it.

Curtis Walls turns winners into Champions!

BECOMING is an ever-evolving lifestyle. Competition doesn’t exist. It’s YOU vs YOURSELF

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